If you know what township or city the person lived in, you can go directly to the township and scan down the alphabetical listing. If you DON'T know which township or city, you can glance through the Alphabetical Name List to find the township and THEN go to the township listing. My comments are in [].
------------------------Alphabetical Name List with Townships
(Almost 3100 individuals listed)
Adams township
Black Oak township
Cedar township
Des Moines township
East Oskaloosa township
Harrison township
Jefferson township
Madison township
Monroe township
New Sharon
Oskaloosa township
Pleasant Grove township
Prairie township
Richland township
Scott township
Union township
West Oskaloosa township
White Oak township
Other things from the book
General Elliott W. Rice History
V. B. Delashmutt picture
Mathew Picken picture
Christian Houtz picture
return to
Mahaska County, Iowa Genealogy