geology primordial man Indians (interesting info on the Foxes and Sacs) Indians-Keokuk Indians-HardFish Indians-BlackHawk Indians-Wapello Indians-Pashapaho advent of white man settlement of the county organization of county early county commissioners' records Burlington & Mount Pleasant Plankroad Henry County Poorhouse Burlington & Missouri River Railroad first record book first district court records first probate records first marriage records pioneer clergymen Henry County Officials educational interests Iowa Wesleyan University alumni list of University German College Academy of Music Howe's Academy Mount Pleasant Female Seminary other educational institutions insane asylum Reform School for Girls Henry County Press senatorial successions Civil War record volunteer roster Camp Harlan dairy business fruit culture post offices of county Mount Pleasant Mt. Pleasant-city government Mt. Pleasant-home stock insurance company Mt. Pleasant-Mt. Pleasant Foundry and Machine Works Mt. Pleasant-Plantation Spinner Manufacturing Company Mt. Pleasant-The Agricultural Society of Mt. Pleasant Mt. Pleasant-Patrons of Husbandry Mt. Pleasant-secret societies Mt. Pleasant-city institutions Mt. Pleasant-poorhouse Mt. Pleasant-churches Mt. Pleasant-public schools Mt. Pleasant-Ladies' Library Association Mt. Pleasant-museum Mt. Pleasant-manufacturing interests Salem Salem-lodges Salem-religions Salem-schools Salem-Whittier College Salem-underground railroads New London New London-city government New London-religions New London-educational New London-lodges Trenton Henry County Institute of Science Rome Lowell Winfield Swedesburg Marshall Hillsborough Oakland