JOHN SIEBEL, b. 1822


from Past and Present of Mahaska County, Iowa by Manoah Hedge The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1906

John Siebel, deceased, was classed among the citizens of worth of Oskaloosa, for his activity in business life promoted its industrial and com- mercial interests, while his co-operation in many public movements was of direct benefit in the line of good citizenship and in upholding the political and legal status of the community. Moreover, in his social relations he manifested various pleasing traits of character that won him warm friendships and kindly regard. His life record began in Reg Berz Duesseldorf, Germany, in 1822, and in his youth he worked upon his father's farm and attended the public schools until sixteen years of age, after which he served an apprenticeship with a cabinet- maker. He spent three years in an architect's of- ice in Cologne and then passed an examination in Duesseldorf; gaining him a master builder's diploma. In accordance with the laws of the land he served for two years in the Prussian army, but "the land of the free" attracted him, and that he might benefit by its broader oppor- tunities he came to America in 1849, making his way at once to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he spent one year. He afterward passed three years in an architect's office in St. Louis, Missouri, and in 1851 went to Bentonsport, Iowa, where he was identified with milling in- terests for a number of years. The year 1868 witnessed the arrival of Mr. Siebel in Oskaloosa, where he continued to make his home until his death. Here he became connected with flouring and woolen mills under the firm style of Siebel & Esgen. The busi- ness gradually developed along safe and sub- stantial lines, and in 1892 Mr. Siebel became sole proprietor and continued the enterprise un- der the firm style of Siebel & Company up to time of his demise. His milling interests con- stantly grew in volume and importance and not only returned him an excellent income but also furnished employment to many workmen and thus added to the general prosperity of the city. His worth as a business man became widely recognized and he was chosen president of the Farmers & Traders Bank. In business affairs his judgment was sound and reliable and his enterprise was of that character which brooks no obstacles that can be overcome by determined and honorable effort. Mr. Siebel passed away in 1900, at the age of seventy-seven years. His widow and two daughters, Mrs. F. C. Lofland and Mrs. E. C. Smith, still reside in Oskaloosa. Mr. Siebel held various positions of honor and trust dur- ing his residence in the city and served on the school board and as a member of the city coun- cil, and was a tangible factor in public prog- ress, giving hearty co-operation to every move- ment which he deemed would prove of public benefit. He based his business principles and, actions upon the rules which govern strict and unswerving integrity and unfaltering industry. He became a representative of a high type of American manhood and chivalry, and was truly sincere in his love for the stars and stripes and for the great principles which proved the foun- dation stone of our American government.

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